The Academic Technologies Department welcomes Laurie Miles as an Accessibility Technology Specialist. Laurie joins the department this month as part of our new Accessibility Tech Specialist Team.
In this role, Laurie will support faculty in developing, implementing, and evaluating accessible course materials and aid the Academic Technologies department with accessibility initiatives. She will provide faculty training and develop resources for assessing and creating accessible learning materials.
Before joining Appalachian University, Laurie was an Instructional Technology Specialist with UNC Asheville's Center for Teaching and Learning. Laurie worked with faculty to identify their educational technology needs and helped manage and implement academic technology initiatives at UNC Asheville. She provided faculty development workshops and instructional resources, including making course materials accessible and implementing UDL principles in online course design.
Laurie has an M.S. in Instructional Technology and a Graduate Certificate in Learning, Design, and Technology.
We’re excited to have Laurie Miles join us and support AppState’s commitment to accessible teaching and learning environments.