We are delighted to welcome Suzanne Edmonds to our Academic Technologies Department team. With her profound passion for learning and technology, Edmonds brings years of valuable experience in crafting engaging student experiences.
In her role as Academic Technologist, she will work collaboratively with our team to offer comprehensive faculty support for key platforms like AsULearn, LinkedIn Learning, Kaltura, VoiceThread, and Zoom, among other enterprise learning technologies essential to AppState. Edmonds will also lead professional development sessions focused on various areas of instructional technology and AsULearn course development, providing faculty with valuable insights and strategies to effectively leverage technology in their teaching methods, enhancing the overall learning experience for students.
Suzanne is a graduate of Appalachian State and has worked with Moodle and in faculty development at North Carolina State University and most recently Simmons College.
We are excited about the expertise and enthusiasm Suzanne Edmonds brings to our department and look forward to achieving great things together in enhancing the academic experience for both faculty and students alike.