The AsULearn support team is pleased to announce a new tool available for the fall semester! The syllabus resource enables teachers to create a web page in their AsULearn course for syllabus content.
The advantages of using the syllabus resource over the file resource include:
- More accessible (for example to users of mobile devices and screen readers)
- Easier to update (PDF files have to be edited in the original document format, re-saved/exported to PDF, re-uploaded to the file activity)
- More consistent format across courses, which makes it easier for students to use
A syllabus may be used to:
- Provide instructor contact information
- List course meeting times and location
- Present the expectations of a course
- Link to institution policies
The syllabus resource will be available from the AsULearn web application, as well as the AsULearn mobile app. The syllabus content can even be retrieved through Google chat!
Learn more about adding a syllabus resource to your AsULearn course or accessing the AsULearn-Syllabus Chatbot.