IT Governance
IT Governance is the policies, standards, structures, processes, and guidance established to ensure that the University’s Information Resources supports the mission, goals, objectives, and regulatory requirements as established by UNC System policies, federal and state law and regulation, and University policies. Our Information Technology Governance Policy can be found in the Policy Manual.
IT Executive Council (ITEC) View Membership
IT Executive Council discusses IT issues, resources, and challenges and is responsible for:
- Recommending changes to IT policies and standards;
- Providing oversight of the IT Governance program and reviewing exceptions that are inconsistent with IT Governance principles and standards;
- Reviewing IT Standards identified by the Chief Information Officer;
- Approving a prioritization model for identifying an order of importance for evaluating IT Projects based on institutional needs;
- Making strategic project decisions regarding funding, risk and business process changes; and
- Reviewing reports of IT Projects.
IT Governance Board of Directors (IT BoD) View Membership
The Board of Directors are responsible for:
- Reporting and recommending IT projects;
- Reviewing the IT Service Catalog and designating IT services and applications as Enterprise IT Services and Applications;
- Recommending the introduction, improvement and retirement of Enterprise IT Services and Applications based on value, costs and supportability;
- Reviewing and advising on IT policy and standards, including IT policy and standard exemptions;
- Approving operational changes with limited campus impact, as identified by the Chief Information Officer;
- Approving the designation of University committees, councils and advisory groups as Technical Advisory Groups; and
- Functioning as the governance liaison to their respective areas or division.
IT Implementation Group (ITIG) View Membership
The IT Implementation Group is responsible for:
- Recommending IT Standards, guidelines, IT projects, and changes to our Enterprise IT Services and Applications to ensure the effective and efficient use of Information Resources;
- Reviewing proposed technology changes, IT projects, and IT policies, standards and guidelines for impact, feasibility, and resource needs; and
- Developing implementation plans for IT Projects and IT changes.