Digital Accessibility

Project: Digital Accessibility 


Implement accessibility of web content and mobile apps

Project Overview

In April 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, passed a ruling to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act regarding the accessibility of web content and mobile apps. The new ruling will be effective for App State beginning April 2026.

Project Details

Understanding ADA Title II Web Accessibility Rule

ADA Title II ensures that state and local government services, including public universities, are accessible to people with disabilities. This means that all digital content must be designed so everyone can access it regardless of ability, disability or use of assistive technology. The new standard App State will be following is WCAG 2.1 Level AA. 

Digital content requirements include: 

  • Public-facing sites and sites behind a login (including 3rd party applications).

    • Password-protected content such as course materials, resource centers or knowledge hubs, policy manuals, etc are treated like any other content.

  • “Conventional electronic documents” such as PDF, Word, presentation and spreadsheet files.

  • Web content or content in a mobile app made available via a social media platform.

  • Captions for live audio and pre-recorded content.


  • University Policy 909 Digital Accessibility

  • Fact Sheet: ADA Ruling on the Accessibility of Web Content provided by state and local governments

  • Full Rule: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability; Accessibility of Web Information and Services of State and Local Government Entities  



Roles & Responsibilities 

Everyone at App State will have a role in digital accessibility for digital content. Each unit within the university must ensure that digital materials meet the minimum accessibility requirements and App State's digital accessibility standards


Staff who procure content, software or services, must ensure that content is accessible during the procurement process. 


All course content must meet WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines. This includes third-party content.

For example, if linking or embedding a YouTube video in a course, that video must have a non-audio alternative such as correct captions or a transcript with an audio description. This applies even if you are not the owner of the video.

Archived content, like courses from previous semesters, may be exempt from compliance, but if you reuse the course or content from the course, then it must be made accessible. 


Content created for university business, in a student job or content for a university-sponsored student organization or club, must be compliant. Students are not required to make schoolwork or personal content accessible. 

Always ask a supervisor or faculty member to clarify any responsibilities around content you create. For example, if you create or maintain content for a student club in Engage, you are responsible for making that content accessible.



Archived Web Content

Archived content that is outdated, not needed or repeated elsewhere does not need to meet WCAG 2.1, Level AA if all of the following are true:

  1. The content was created before the date the state or local government must comply with this rule (prior to April 24, 2026), or reproduces paper documents or the contents of other physical media (audiotapes, film negatives, etc) that were created before the government must comply with this rule, AND

  2. The content is kept only for reference, research or record-keeping, AND

  3. The content is kept in a special area for archived content, AND

  4. The content has not been changed since it was archived.

Password-Protected Content

Documents that meet all three of the following points do not need to meet WCAG 2.1, Level AA:

  • The documents are word processing, presentation, PDF or spreadsheet files, AND

  • The documents are about a specific person, property or account, AND

  • The documents are password-protected or otherwise secured.


Some exemptions include PDFs, but this does not mean organizations have a “free pass” on making them accessible. Generally, any PDF that is currently used or relevant to more than one person will need to be accessible.

Learn more 


What is the timeframe for implementation?

  • Compliance requirements must be met by April 24, 2026. App State aims to complete this by March 1, 2026.

What does the new ADA rule cover? 

  • The rule ensures that websites and mobile apps provided by state and local governments, including public universities, are accessible to people with disabilities.


What are the technical standards for compliance? 


What will be the consequences of non-compliance?

  • Legal Action: Organizations may face lawsuits from individuals or advocacy groups. The Department of Justice (DOJ) can also initiate legal proceedings against non-compliant entities.

  • Financial Penalties: Non-compliance can result in significant fines and penalties. These financial repercussions can be substantial, especially if the organization is found to be repeatedly or willfully non-compliant.

  • Loss of Federal Funding: For public institutions, non-compliance can lead to the loss of federal funding. This can have a significant impact on the institution's operations and financial stability.

  • Operational Disruptions: Addressing non-compliance issues after the fact can be more disruptive and costly than proactively ensuring compliance. It may require extensive retrofitting of digital content and systems.

  • Reputational Damage: Failing to comply with accessibility standards can harm an organization's reputation. It can be seen as a lack of commitment to inclusivity and equal access, which can negatively impact public perception and trust.

Ensuring compliance not only avoids these negative consequences but also promotes inclusivity and equal access for all individuals.

Who do I contact for more information?