I AM App State

Project: I AM App State 


Improve identity and access management (IAM) processes and capabilities


An identity and access management (IAM) tool and improved business processes give IT and our campus the ability to streamline access to needed IT services. It also protects against security and compliance risks.


We are building our identity program to:

  1. Improve flexibility and efficiency in access to IT services, institutional data and our campus.
  2. Reduce risk by automating training requirements to access IT services. 
  3. Develop a system that automates the permission and revocation of access to data, services and physical locations.
  4. Decrease time to resolution for employees in the on- or off-boarding process.
  5. Create a central hub for managing access to IT services. 

Phase 1

Banner is the system of record for employee and student identities. Bravura will interact with Banner to create logical connections based on each person’s role and access needs. Bravura will oversee employee and student identity management for multiple processes that require permission or system access. 

We are focusing on four activation areas during phase one:

  1. LDAP
  2. Google
  3. Duo 
  4. Active Directory

These are the foundational pieces of our student and employee onboarding process. These changes will be minimally noticeable to users. 
One benefit that will be visible is that employee position titles will be available via Google smart chips and people's Google profiles. Learn more about Google smart chips at Google Support and in our self-help Knowledge Base.





What is the timeframe for implementation?

  • Starting in 2022, we will implement this Identity Governance Administration management system in three phases with anticipated project closure in June 2025.

Is this system replacing a current system?

  • Our new IAM tool will replace a home grown system and a number of campus processes related to system access. This will be a multi-year process and occur in a staged manner.  
  • Later phases of the project including replacing our current Password Manager and other campus access request and approval mechanisms currently occurring via email or paper processes.  

What is the benefit of this new management system?

  • ITS has provided core identity services through a disparate set of tools including custom Banner tables, scripts, paper and electronic forms and multiple directory services over the years. 
  • The benefit of this management system is to centralize these processes and allows more transparency and efficiency for our campus users.

As an application administrator, how do I submit my application for integration with the program?

  • Please contact  group-iam@appstate.edu to discuss the various ways the program can support application administrations in on- and off-boarding application users.

Who do I contact for more information?